‘The Fiery Trial’ has been released

The next ebook in the ‘Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy’ series ‘The Fiery Trial’ is now available for you to read.


The eighth installment in the ‘Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy’ series is now available in ebook format. ‘The Fiery Trial’ was co-written by Cassandra Clare and Maureen Johnson:

TFTCoverEmma Carstairs and Julian Blackthorn become parabatai. Simon and Clary both act as their witnesses, so they can see what a parabatai bond forming looks like as they want to become parabatai as soon as Simon graduates — and because Emma asked Clary. The ritual goes unexpectedly . . .

The next ebook ‘Born to Endless Night’ will be released on October 20.

When all the ebooks are published, the book will be released in print format. (Just like the Bane Chronicles)

Aussie, writer, and fellow fangirl of many books, movies, and tv shows.

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