As you all know ,yesterday there was a screening of ‘The Maze Runner’ for a few lucky fans at SDCC. There was also a Q&A with,Kaya Scoledario-Teresa, Will Poulter-Gally, Dylan O’Brien-Thomas, Wes Ball-Director of the movie and James Dashner.
So,what did the have to say?
My goal is to show how complicated humans are through my characters. No one is perfect & no one is purely evil.
James Dashner
Thomas represents the courage that can be found within. He rediscovers this human being inside that he didn’t know existed.
Dylan O’Brien
Gally is fearful. He represents the fear that a lot of Gladers have for their livelihood and their future.
Will Poulter
Teresa represents the survival instinct. She’s not willing to settle with the fate that’s been given them.
Kaya Scodelario
We all became a little family, and it was really nice to go on this adventure together. It was very gratifying.
Wes Ball
Thank you Themazerunnerdaily.tumblr for all the info. If you were there, let us know what you thought about it!

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