We’re back — and spoiler free! Bookmarked is two years old and we’re heading into the year looking forward to new books to read and more Divergent drama to tackle. In this episode, we share our thoughts on Netflix’s ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ as well as Veronica Roth’s latest stories, Carve the Mark and We Can Be Mended.
- Saul can’t tell time and tells everyone it’s our three year anniversary when it’s actually our two year anniversary.
- Addie is stuck in a never-ending Goodreads wormhole. pls send help.
- We talk Netflix’s A Series of Unfortunate Events. Was it good? Was it just OK?
- Veronica Roth’s Carve the Mark hit shelves. It’s her first work since Divergent. Did it live up to our expectations?
- Prepare for a brief Star Wars tangent. (It’s a trap!)
- Is Carve the Mark more of a fantasy novel rather than science-fiction?
- Addie gives us the rundown on Veronica Roth’s We Can Be Mended, the Divergent Epilogue.
- In other book releases, Victoria Aveyard’s King’s Cage is out! We have yet to read it…
- In case you’re wondering, there will be a Red Queen Book 4! We have all the details in the links below.
- Random Twilight tangent. (Sorry!)
- We reach out #Divergentgate Update!
- The actors have officially dropped out of ‘Ascendant’. Nobody’s surprised.
- Where does Divergent go next? Will Lionsgate drop the project?
- There aren’t many 2017 YA book to movie adaptations and we’re kind of sad about it.
- Things to look forward to this year: Netflix’s ‘Thirteen Reasons Why’, Fantastic Beasts audiobook, YallWest and BookCon!
Related Linkage:
- Saul’s ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ Television Review
- Addie’s Carve the Mark Review
- Addie’s We Can Be Mended Book Review
- Shailene Woodley drops out of the Divergent film franchise
- Details on Red Queen Book 4
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