Todd Lieberman, The producer of ‘Insurgent’ sat down with Collider and among other stuff he discussed ‘Allegiant’.
‘Allegiant’ will begin filming on May 18th,
I don’t want to promise too much, but I can say that the things that we’ve talked about have been very, very cool. There’s going to be some really mind-blowing visuals. Those who have read the book know where it goes. It goes into a whole different world, and we’re really excited to explore that.
He also talked about the controversial ending of the book, as readers of the book know……SPOILERS!!
Tris dies at the end,
We’re taking Allegiant and splitting it into two, so the first part of it won’t go that far. But yeah, the book had that ending, and there was certainly controversy over it. Personally, I feel that it’s an important arc for that character. But we haven’t actually discussed too much of that yet…they’re beloved characters. I can see how that would cause a controversy. Sometimes you have to make bold choices, creatively. I’m always in favor of that.
What do you think? Should the producers change the ending? Would you still go watch the movie if they did?

Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! They should change the ending!!! I will be so exited if tris doesn’t die in allegiant!!! She needs to survive for Tobias!!!
Please!please!! Pleaseeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Change the ending!!!!!
There are things in life much worse than dying. It is Tris’ destiny to save innocent people, reveal the truth and end the faction system. She struggles knowing this in the books. Creatively there must be a way to help fans understand Tris wasn’t afraid of death, knew her destiny and truly missed her parents. This is a dystopian story with survivors who do live happily ever after.
I agree with you, and at least for me, I wouldnt be the same if they change the ending. Like, all my tears were in vain!