First Official Still for ‘Insurgent’

We have the first official still for ‘Insurgent’!!!! Take a look at Tris, Four and Caleb in their amity outfits!! They look really different dont’ they? So used to see them in black and blue.   Brace yourselves, Initiates… Friday 12/12. — Insurgent (@Divergent) December 5, 2014   What do you think it means?? […]


We have the first official still for ‘Insurgent’!!!!

Take a look at Tris, Four and Caleb in their amity outfits!! They look really different dont’ they? So used to see them in black and blue.


What do you think it means?? A full trailer? More stills?

Check back with us next week !

Dont’t forget to be brave!

‘Insurgent’ hits theaters  March 15, 2015.

I love reading! I love that books can take you anywhere, make you fall in love, and visit places outside of your reality. “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies,....the man who never reads lives only one.”

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