Tony Goldwyn, the actor playing Andrew Prior (Tris’s father) in the “Divergent” film spoke to MTV about his role and time on set.
Goldwyn talked about one scene in particular that involves the entire Prior family the night before the Choosing Ceremony.
“It was very good casting of the four of us, Shailene and Ashley [Judd] and Ansel [Elgort], the family, the Priors. We just had this great chemistry together and really felt like a family [living in] the world that Neil [Burger, director] created visually of the Abnegation. We had these two really wonderful days shooting these two scenes, and I’m really excited to see how those turn out.”
Also worth noting was a comment Veronica Roth made about Andrew Prior: “Veronica Roth said, flatteringly, one of her biggest regrets is that she didn’t write Andrew into the other books, that she killed Andrew off…”
Read the original article here.
“Divergent” will be released March 21, 2014.
Do you think Veronica Roth should have kept Andrew Prior alive for the other books?
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