This past weekend, ‘Divergent’ stars Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort were present for the MTV Movie Awards. During an interview pre-show, they were asked about the decision to split Allegiant into two films. In the interview, it’s revealed that the actors were aware of the possibility when they signed up for their roles.
“We knew about [it] before,” said Ansel in the interview. “We knew when we signed up for it that if the first one did well, hopefully we would do a second one, and if it did really well then the third one would be split into two.”
Shailene reveals that there was a lot of flip-flopping leading up to the decision. At one point she had been told that they would split the movie, and at another point she had been told that they would keep it at one movie.
Watch the interview for yourself:
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