A new report from Deadline features an interview with Doug Creutz of the Cowen and Company (a film market expert) who wonders whether adaptions like ‘Catching Fire,’ ‘Ender’s Game’ and ‘Divergent’ will see commercial success.
With three major Young Adult book adaptions coming up in the next year, Lionsgate is hoping to see success in its latest titles. ‘Divergent’ is among them, but Doug Creutz is uncertain that it will be able to live up to the hype of The Hunger Games.
“He says it’s ‘unlikely’ that the film will greatly exceed these estimates, and investor response ‘could be fairly severe’ if it disappoints.”
Still, he’s raising his domestic box office estimate from $100M to $130M.
Some question the success of Young Adult film adaptions, especially after the recent flop of ‘The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones’ which consequentially led to a postponement of the sequel which was scheduled to film next week, despite its large fan base.
How do you think ‘Divergent’ will perform?

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