John Green was in attendance for the LA Times Festival of Books this past weekend and ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ was a hot topic. Green talked about his thoughts on the film as well as some of the precautions the film makers took into account as they filmed.
Here’s an excerpt from the LA Times article:
During the panel, Green gave his nod of approval to the film version of his latest book, “The Fault in Our Stars,” which will hit theaters June 6.
“The reason that it’s good is because Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort … they took the book very, very seriously and cared so much about the characters,” he said of the actors in the lead roles. “In some ways I think they understand the characters in a way that I couldn’t.”
Green, one of the most popular young adult writers in the country, said he told the moviemakers that he wanted the film to be an accurate portrayal of the book, which is about two teenagers with cancer who fall in love.
“If you’re going to make a movie where sometimes her lung feels better so you can get pretty pictures, then no,” he said.
But another thing drove the filmmakers to maintain the integrity of the book.
“They were really scared of the readers of the story,” Green said. “They were genuinely afraid.”
It’s exciting to hear so many positive things about the film coming from the author himself. Last night, fans were treated to the first released clip from the movie, which features Gus and his unlit cigarette. Check it out here.
Read the rest of the LA Times article to see what else John Green had to say about the movie!
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