Wavers, if you haven’t already heard, The Fifth Wave has continued filming!
Where you ask? Well downtown Macon is the place. More specifically Cotton Ave being one of the filming places. Crews gave out filming schedules to businesses and houses in the area warning them of the ongoing productions including the use of Helicopters, Pyrotechnics and Gunfire!
Looks pretty exciting!
Filming continued on January 4th in Macon.
Also seen doing some practice before shooting were Tony Revolri (Dumbo), Maika Monroe (Ringer) and Nick Robinson (Ben Parish/Zombie). All of them were dressed in big winter coats and hats! Macon must be a bit chilly!
Well I wish the cast luck as they brave the cold weather in order to produce a winner of a film!
The Fifth Wave hits cinemas January 29th 2016! Just a little over a year to go.
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