Mockingjay Part 2 Full Trailer

Tributes! The wait is finally over! We finally have a full length trailer to obsess over until Mockingjay Part 2 hits theaters in about 4 months! As amazing as the teaser trailer and the propos were, we have been longing to see the full length trailer fans were shown during the Mockingjay Part 2 Panel during this year’s SDCC.


Tributes, the wait is over! We finally have a full length trailer to obsess over until ‘Mockingjay, Part 2’ hits theaters in about 4 months!

As amazing as the teaser trailer was (along with the propos Lionsgate released after SDCC), we have been longing to see the full length trailer fans were shown during the ‘Mockingjay, Part 2’ panel.

Be warned that watching the final trailer only once will not be enough!

So much is packed into 2 minutes and 34 seconds (honestly I could talk about it all day–but I won’t! I’ll let you all just watch the trailer over and over and over and over again)!


This final trailer called  “We March Together” opens with a voice-over by President Snow warning Katniss about the end of “the game.”  The scene and voice-over changes to Commander Paylor giving a speech to the Rebels preparing them for what awaits them when they reach the Capitol, where we see empty streets and ruined buildings. We then see Katniss looking at the hologram map of the Capitol, where all the potential traps in the Capitol are waiting for the Rebels.

There are so many amazing shots in this trailer, it’s insane! From the Capitol to Annie and Finnick’s wedding, to the parachutes falling on the Capitol, and to Snow having dinner with his advisers. Many of our favorite characters are shown as well, not only Finnick, but Johanna, Haymitch, Effie, Plutarch. There were glimpses of small details in the trailer such as “WANTED” posters for members of Squad 451 posted throughout the Capitol and the diagrams of the Capitol traps (which I thought were pretty cool).

We’ve said it before and We’ll say it again, Francis Lawrence is a genius. Fans who saw this trailer at San Diego Comic Con a few weeks ago were right. This trailer is beyond epic and is definitely a roller-coaster of emotions! We can only imagine how much more epic and emotional and exciting the movie itself will be.

(I. CAN’T. WAIT!!!)

What do you think of this new (and sadly final) trailer? What were your reactions? Let us know on Twitter @Bookstacked. Remember to use the hashtags #MockingjayPart2 and #MockingjayPart2Reactions on Twitter to keep the trend going!

Mockingjay Part 2 hits theaters on November 20, 2015. 

A fangirl with too many fandoms and not enough time. Lover of tea, baking, traveling and cats. “Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive--it's such an interesting world. It wouldn't be half so interesting if we knew all about everything, would it? There'd be no scope for imagination then, would there?” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

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  • Fourtris <4 • 10 years ago

    It’s so perfect!! x_x

    • Alice • 10 years ago

      I know right? I can hardly wait for this!