New photos show glimpse of the Capitol’s design in ‘Mockingjay, Part 2’

The Capitol looks both beautiful and deadly in the final Hunger Games movie.


Entertainment Weekly has unveiled three new photos that give us a sneak peek into the Capitol which will be heavily featured in this November’s ‘The Hunger Games: Mockgingjay, Part 2’.

Fans of Suzanne Collins’s Hunger Games series know that the setting of the final film will be drastically different from the others. The arena in this edition of The Hunger Games is actually the Capitol, the home to President Snow and Panem’s elite class.

While we’ve been given several glimpses of the Capitol in the last three films, the final film will feature the Capitol extensively, requiring film makers to come up with the look and feel of the dangerous city.

“This is the most amount of time we’ve spent in the Capitol,” said director Francis Lawrence to Entertainment Weekly. “So we had to focus a lot on how to accomplish that, especially when we spend most of our time out on the street.”

Check out the photos released by Entertainment Weekly below!

Capitol hologram in Mockingjay

The blueprint of the Capitol is a mix of Paris and old Germania, according to Francis Lawrence. In this scene, Katniss and the District 13 rebels plan their route of attack against President Snow.

Capitol street in Mpckingjay

Production designer Phillip Messina turned to the Soviet era for inspiration on the look and feel of the buildings. He wanted something that looked monolithic, reflecting the power of the Capitol.

President Snow's podium (banner)

President Snow Podium Blueprint

The final photo is the blueprint (bottom image) used to build President Snow’s podium (top image). Because the film series has been filmed in so many different locations (from Georgia to Paris), set designers relied on this schematic to rebuild the podium several times over the years.

The set definitely looks stunning! While we’re incredibly excited to see this film, we’re also very sad to see the franchise close. At least we know that they’re giving the final installment everything that they’ve got!

RELATED: Watch the theatrical trailer for ‘Mockingjay, Part 2’

‘The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2’ hits theaters November 20 of this year.


Saul Marquez founded Bookstacked in 2014 and serves as the site's Editor-in-Chief. He primarily covers news for Bookstacked. He also co-hosts Bookmarked: A YA Book Podcast.

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