SPOILER WARNING: Some Go Set a Watchman, Scorch Trials, and Mockingjay book details are discussed in this episode!
We’re back and more excited than ever! With all of the recent buzz surrounding Comic-Con, we sit down and talk about the newest development in The Maze Runner and Mockingjay worlds! While none of us were present for Comic-Con, we couldn’t help but feel the hype surrounding our favorite book-to-film adaptations. From the awesome new posters to the brand new trailers that were screened at the convention, we’re getting more and more eager to see these movies!
(Note: This episode was recorded before the actual release of the Mockingjay and Scorch Trials trailers, which are out now.)
Also in this episode…
- 7th Page is now Bookstacked! We discuss the reasons behind the name change and what we hope it’ll do for the site in the future.
- Harper Lee’s Go Set a Watchman came out. It was met with both excitement and controversy.
- Michael has read Go Set a Watchman. He tells us what he thought about the book and he criticism it’s received.
- The first 30 minutes of ‘The Scorch Trials’ movie was shown at Comic-Con. There will apparently be changes between the book and the movie.
- Rebeca and Saul are excited to see the cranks in ‘The Scorch Trials’ movie!
- The new Mockingjay posters look cheesy and cool… but we want our own versions featuring ourselves.
- Michael has internet problems.
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