Romance. It’s a staple in YA books. We often see our favorite characters stick together, despite all odds. We root for them, we cry for them, and we celebrate when they’ve finally found their lasting companion.
And so in that sense, Valentine’s Day was really made for YA books. The Bookstacked team got together to identify some of our favorite (and in our opinion best) fantastic YA couples in honor of the holiday!
I’ll admit I haven’t read the third book yet but even after Ruby’s awful decision in Book 1 I haven’t stopped rooting for the pair. Dash and Lily from Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan. I’ve read this book three times now and I still get a thrill with these two. I wish the book was longer just so we see more of them and how they get along with their relatively different personalities. I can imagine Lily getting over-excited at the prospect of spending Valentine’s Day with Dash, and he’d go along with it even though he’s not really that into holidays.
– Eleanor
I know the TV show is hugely different in terms of its pairings – but the books provide a wonderful element of Romance. There are also two other characters not (yet) seen in the TV series – Luke and Glass — who is yet another YA Couple that deserves a mention in this article.
– Eleanor
Both of these couples are amazing. Their ups and downs and everything in between pull you in even more. Their devotion to each other, and their determination to make things work is to be admired and thoroughly, completely enjoyed in this series.
– Eleanor
I have to say Tobias and Tris from ‘Divergent’ by Veronica Roth. I love the dynamic these two have! Tobias keeps Tris grounded when necessary and even though he doesn’t agree with all the decision she takes, he’s willing to support her. In return, Tris loves and forgives him and is always trying to protect him.
– Rebeca
Alex and Lena from ‘Delirium’ by Lauren Oliver. Even though the society where they live doesn’t allow love and they can’t be together, they do everything in their power for their love. At least in the first book of the trilogy, you can see them fighting to be together, sneaking around, escaping. I love how protective he is of her.
– Rebeca
What a beautiful but also sad story! Lyra and Will truly embody the notion of true love. By the time we reach the end of the His Dark Materials trilogy, these two share an incredible bond. Of course, they’ll never get to be together. But it’s the fact that they still love each other, even when they’re (literally) worlds apart, that lands them on this list.
– Saul
I just love Cinder and Kai from ‘Cinder’ by Marissa Meyer. They are opposites in so many ways, especially when they first meet in the first book of the series. I loved the slow burn of their romance as the series continues. They were the perfect couple who completely balanced each other out, and made each other stronger!
– Kristy
One of my favorite couples is America and Maxon from ‘The Selection’ by Kiera Cass. Their love story is a complete fairy tale, and it’s hard not to love everything about them! It was adorable to see them go from being friends to falling in love. They did have a lot of drama surrounding them, but in the end, it always came down to how devoted they were to each other.
– Kristy
Nearly and Reece from the “Nearly Gone” series is one of my favorite YA couples! They fit the science girl meets bad boy archetype. They’re complete opposites, but what I love about them is that their relationship reminds us that love can happen in the most unexpected places with the most bizarre people and that even if a couple has completely different personalities, a great, beautiful relationship can still blossom.
– Anisaa
There are many things that I love about Jasper and Connie’s relationship, but what I love the most is the uniqueness of their relationship. The way that Connie unconditionally accepts and loves Jasper for who he is, even with all his hang-ups and faults, and how Jasper loves and trusts Connie with everything is just one of the many reasons why this couple is so awesome! They really balance and complete each other.
– Anisaa

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