Divergent Factions Quiz: Where will the aptitude test place you?


Abnegation. Amity. Erudite. Dauntless. Candor. Which do you have an aptitude for?

In Veronica Roth’s Divergent, young men and women are given an aptitude test to determine which faction they belong to. Since then, readers have often wondered what faction they belong to. Our Divergent Factions Quiz can help you there.

Modeled after the quiz from the books, our quiz will take you through a couple of simulations before determining which faction you belong to.

About the Divergent factions

Five factions inhabit Roth‘s futuristic take on Chicago. Each plays a different role in the dystopian society. Each also lives by a different set of core values.

Here’s a quick explanation before you jump into your aptitude test.

  • Abnegation: The birth-faction of Tris Prior. Abnegation values selflessness above everything, avoiding self-pride and instead looking outward to help others. Members of Abnegation live simple lives.
  • Erudite: The hallmark of Erudite is curiosity. They value intelligence and knowledge and are always in pursuit to know more. Some members of Erudite also have a penchant for power.
  • Dauntless: Dauntless are protectors who emphasize bravery and strength. Members of Dauntless need to practice caution when walking the line between bravery and recklessness.
  • Candor: Truth and honesty are at the forefront of the Candor faction. That said, their frank nature sometimes results in a lack of compassion and understanding for others.
  • Amity: Amity is devoted to harmony and peace. Neutrality is important for members of this faction, as they try to avoid conflict with others.

Take the quiz

What faction do you belong to? Take our quiz, modeled after the one written by Veornica Roth herself, to find out.

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Divergent Aptitude Test %%personality%%

Didn’t get the faction you wanted? Remember, you still get to choose which faction you belong to at the Choosing Ceremony. ✌️

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What faction do you belong to? Share your results from our Divergent factions quiz in the comments.

Saul Marquez founded Bookstacked in 2014 and serves as the site's Editor-in-Chief. He primarily covers news for Bookstacked. He also co-hosts Bookmarked: A YA Book Podcast.

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  • Yadira Aguirre • 4 years ago

    i am a Dountless

  • Not saying • 4 years ago

    How the hell- nothing ⟟ did was selfless

  • Stella Uchiha • 4 years ago

    I think im all five factions

  • Scar • 4 years ago

    Erudite and Candor! Expected and content with my results.

  • Miriam • 3 years ago

    I am Erudite WOOHOOO