In a brand new interview with fans, Artemis Fowl author Eoin Colfer has provided an update on Artemis Fowl movie.
“There has been news on the movie, but I can’t talk about it yet,” said Colfer in the interview. “It’s closer now than it has ever been. All we need is one more link in the chain and it’s a go.”
This is without doubt exciting news for Artemis Fowl fans. The book series was first optioned for film in 2001 and has pretty much been left in “Development Hell” since then. In 2013, Disney announced plans to adapt the books into a film. Even since then, updates on the movie have been almost nonexistent. The latest development came last January, when Disney teamed up with Harvey Weinstein.
Colfer expressed his concern over the long development of the film. “I’m hoping that in the next few months some kind of an announcement will be made. I know I’ve said that before. I have been hopeful before but it’s just fallen apart so many times. I’m not getting too excited… I’m holding it in, but if it does get made now with this team, it is going to have been worth the wait.”
The Artemis Fowl book series was completed in 2012 with the eighth and final novel, Artemis Fowl: The Last Guardian. The stories follow an Irish boy and his crimes and dealings with a magical population that lives underground. During his adventures, Artemis brushes shoulders with faeries, pixies, dwarfs, and centaurs. The books are currently being re-released as graphic novels. Early reports suggest that the film adaptation with combine the plots of the first two books into one movie.
“I’m more hopeful than I’ve been in a long time,” said Colfer. We’re definitely hoping to hear more too!
Watch the video interview:
Thanks to fan site Artemis Fowl Confidential for putting the interview together!

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