Actor David Castro is Raphael in ‘Shadowhunters’

Exciting news! We have our Raphael! David Castro has been cast as vampire Raphael Santiago in the TV show adaption of Cassandra Clare’s The Mortal Instruments. This will be the first time Raphael has appeared in an adaptation of The Mortal Instruments, who didn’t appear in the 2013 film The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. […]


Exciting news! We have our Raphael!

David Castro has been cast as vampire Raphael Santiago in the TV show adaption of Cassandra Clare’s The Mortal Instruments. This will be the first time Raphael has appeared in an adaptation of The Mortal Instruments, who didn’t appear in the 2013 film The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. Many fans are very excited to finally have him as a part of the series.

The shows Twitter also posted an exclusive video message from David. Watch it below:

Are you excited? What do you think of our new Raphael?

Aussie, writer, and fellow fangirl of many books, movies, and tv shows.

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