Who will die and who will live? Those seem to be the common questions we always hear when we approach the closing of a popular book series. The Mortal Instruments is no exception to that.
Sitting down with Entertainment Weekly, Cassandra Clare revealed that she plans on killing one of the main characters off early on in final Mortal Instruments book, City of Heavenly Fire.
What can you tease about the book?
I can definitely say that the characters go to a location that we’ve heard about, but we’ve never seen in any of the books. There is a death of a major character really early on in the book that I think will surprise people. And there are two weddings.
Surprise, surprise! I guess we always knew that she’d kill off someone at the end of the book series, but it’s always a shocker to hear it come from her mouth. Of course, the question now is: Who’s getting the axe?
Clare also talked about her future projects including a top secret television project she’s working on as well as her future writings.
And shadowhunters will be especially happy to read a new excerpt from City of Heavenly Fire on Entertainment Weekly’s website.
Read the excerpt and the rest of the interview here!
Who do you think will die in the last Mortal Instruments book? Let us know in the comments!

AHHH!!! I don’t know if I can handle this!!
Wut. I got a weird error. OK that was weird…
I think I fixed it! Let me know! Also. If you like TMI so much, why haven’t you voted for it on the sidebar? Hahaha!
Gaahhhhh because I’m too lazy >_>
I got it too. -_-