Our Cassie, Chloë Grace Moretz, is on the promotion circuit for her upcoming film, ‘If I Stay’. In a recent interview with Barnes & Noble, she talked about her latest film as well as ‘The 5th Wave’.
You’re starring in The 5th Wave next, an adaptation of a YA series by Rick Yancey, and spent a lot of time on-set with If I Stay author Gayle Forman—has this inspired you to get writing?
I try to, but because I’m 17 I think my brain can’t handle sitting and writing one thing, so I’ll literally start a project of writing something and I get completely sidetracked and I CANNOT FINISH IT. So I think I have to give myself a couple of years and try.
What are some of your favorite YA books?
I enjoy books that aren’t really YA in that sense, so when I read The 5th Wave it’s a very un-YA YA book, and the same with If I Stay, and these are books that hang under the label of YA but aren’t really—they deal with bigger problems and bigger emotions than most YA books. My favorite novel in general is Wuthering Heights.
Looks like she’s not only passionate about If I Stay and The 5th Wave, but many other books as well!
‘The 5th Wave’ movie will be released January 29, 2016. You can see all the developments surrounding the film on this page!
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