Throne of Glass Book 6 title revealed!

The long awaited news is finally here – we have a title for ToG6!


In a post in February, I talked about how Sarah J. Maas’ attempt at a novella quickly became a full-blown novel. Well, since then it has been confirmed that the once Chaol-novella has actually become book six of the series. Yep, that means that the series will be a massive seven books in total!

The novel is set in Chaol’s perspective, and will finally show us the beautiful Southern Continent.

The title was revealed yesterday…drum roll please!

Title reveal courtest of

There we have it! Tower of Dawn is set for release on 5th September this year – that’s only five months away! And with the final installment in her A Court of Thorns and Roses trilogy coming next month, the time will surely fly by.

Sarah J. Maas also confirmed on her Instagram that book 7, “aka the final book,” will be out next year! I’m so excited – but I don’t want the series to end!

Eleanor is an English graduate and Medieval Studies student looking to use her skills to help save the planet. She adores reading and knows books will always be at the heart of her life, no matter where her career takes her.

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