Disney begins search for Artemis Fowl actor

That’s one step closer to the long-awaited Artemis Fowl movie.


You read that right. Disney is in search for the young actor who will portray Artemis Fowl in the upcoming Artemis Fowl movie! 😱

Producers are looking for a young Irish male to take on the role. The actor needs to be between the ages of nine and twelve and can be of any ethnicity, according to the casting call. Disney will begin auditions later this month in Ireland.

Read the casting call in full:

The team behind the adaptation of Irish author Eoin Colfer’s novel of the same name is set to be distributed by Disney is looking for an Irish actor aged 9-12 of any ethnicity.

Inquisitive and possessing both academic and emotional intelligence, Artemis is highly perceptive and good at reading people. Most importantly, Artemis is warm-hearted and has a great sense of humour; he has fun in whatever situation he is in and loves life.

Applications must be submitted by parent or legal guardian for the casting dates outlined below, indicating which location you can come to and with a recent photo.

14:00-19:00, May 24th, Schull
14:00-19:00, May 25th, Schull
14:00-18:00, May 26th, Cork City

Email applications to: [email protected]

Artemis Fowl author Eoin Colfer shared the casting call on his website on Tuesday. The casting of Artemis will be the film’s largest development since Kenneth Branagh (‘Macbeth’, ‘Thor’, ‘Cinderella’) signed on as director nearly two years ago. The books were first optioned for film in 2001. Disney bought the rights in 2013.

The Artemis Fowl books span eight novels, the first published in 2001. The story follows Artemis, a young criminal mastermind who infiltrates a secret society of faeries, centaurs, dwarves and pixies. The final book, The Last Guardian, was released in 2012. Early reports suggest that the movie will combine the first two novels.

“It’s closer now than it has ever been,” Colfer said in 2015. “I’m more hopeful than I’ve been in a long time.”

While it’s been a very long road for Artemis to reach the big screen, it looks like it’s finally about to happen.

Saul Marquez founded Bookstacked in 2014 and serves as the site's Editor-in-Chief. He primarily covers news for Bookstacked. He also co-hosts Bookmarked: A YA Book Podcast.

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