In his latest review for The Onion, Peter K. Rosenthal sits down to discuss ‘Divergent’–and it is HILLARIOUS!
Check it out:
The review has some great gems:
“One would assume that at some point in the movie, she’d look around her surroundings and realize that real people don’t dress like this, and that modern society most certainly doesn’t look like this… But [she] spends most of movie utterly convinced that her life is being threatened by sinister members of the rival factions. If anyone actually tried to do that, it would obviously be illegal.”
“It’s absurd for this girl to ever think her life is in danger, primarily because she has to know that there are two more ‘Divergent’ movies scheduled to be released–and she’s the main character in both of them.”
“Have none of these people seen ‘Titanic’?”
I can’t wait for his review of ‘Allegiant’!
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